Historic Angelfield

Angelfield was offered to Murgon Council by Martha Angel in 1932. The airfield has been in use since that time.  The Angel family, well known for their support of community activities and aviation in the community and have active flyers in it. The club is  improving the airfield for both the flying community and emergency services for Murgon.  Angelfield can provide a vital link to the outside in emergencies such as flood events. See the menu for the live web cam image (press refresh for a current image 10 minute upload)

The club is constantly upgrading the airfield.  Approach 12/30.  The power lines at both ends of the strip are below runway level, they are marked on the eastern end and and trees have been removed from the Western end for better approach. Check our page of aircraft that have been to Angelfield for comparison of the operating capabilities of the field.

Short walk to town


ELEV 1028, 740M strip is now marked with windsock, CTAF 126.7 when manned on flying days. A tie down cable has been provided. 91&98 octane available at BP  extended business hours on far end of Bunya Hwy. Mogas is available 300M down Macalister St, business hours, 91/95. A short walk to town with most facilities. The main street of Murgon is about 1 km  from the Airfield, and a taxi service is available at Murgon. Fuel can be provided on meeting days by request. Closest Avgas is Kingaroy by card.

Coordinates  E151 55,771     S26 15.160  Contact Will 0407143127 or Charlie 0412740020 for details or inquiries.

The club  has marked the runway with CASA standard markers at 30 M and will continually upgrade the facility and surface. Club members maintain the airfield.  The airfield is on private property and pilots who choose to use it do so at their own risk. Livestock may be present on non fly in days.

New flyers are welcome to join this worth while community project. Social hour after work finishes.  Working on airfield commences at 9am on Saturday proceeding the fly-in the next day.    There are a total of 10 private airfields  in the club.  Angelfield is where our Operations Centre is located. You will find a pleasant friendly country atmosphere at our club with lots of flying talk. Come out and join a dedicated group of flying enthusiasts and meet worthwhile people with similar interests!

For those who want to enjoy a country style breakfast for only $20 a head (which includes freshly brewed tea and coffee), we start serving Breakfast around 7.00am When advised on this site, facebook, notification by email if registered with us..


We have 12 different rag and tube planes in the club and  we will be offering more information about this traditional and affordable type of aircraft in the near future. FLYING IS AFFORDABLE! Check out X-Air Australia, and various Savannah sites an idea of what is currently available. There are always a variety of aircraft at our fly in breakfasts and flyers to talk to about aircraft. Good inspected and approved light aircraft are affordable and cheaper than some second hand cars.  Talk to experienced flyers in our club who would be happy too share their expertise with you. Our club represents RAA  the largest group of flyers in Australia and are the licensing and certification agency for most small aircraft.

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